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Make More Dolls


Hi everyone!

In the past I have offered my doll orders using two methods…


Method #1 - Preorder:

With preorders, I offer a sculpt before the dolls have been cast using the funds from the preorder to pay for production. This method helps me a lot since it means that I don’t have to come up with a large lump sum out of pocket. This allows me to offer more doll editions more often than I would be able to if I paid for them out of pocket. The main drawback for preorder is that this means the wait time to deliver the dolls tends to be longer for my customers.


Method #2 - In-stock:

With this method, I fund the production myself out of pocket. This allows me to have the dolls cast and sent to me before they are offered and sold. This way, I am able to ship the dolls to their new homes with a much shorter wait for my fans. While this method is my preferred method overall, and is more ideal for shipping times to my customers, it is much more difficult for me to fund on my own so I am very limited in the number of different sculpts and the size of editions that I can offer. Also, unlike preorders, with this method, I am unable to tell if a doll will be popular enough to justify a larger order number or not, so it is a big gamble for me to order more than one or two sculpts at a time. The ones that sell slowly make things difficult since I don’t receive a return on my investment until they are adopted.


I would dearly love to be able to offer more sculpts more often. I have so many ideas and sketches of dolls I want to bring to life to share with everyone! To this end, my hope is that by holding The Make More Dolls Project, I will be able to find a way to combine the benefits of preorders with the benefits of in-stock editions.


The proceeds of this project will be used toward funding several sculpt editions that will then be able to be offered as in stock. The top sculpts I would like to cast next are:

  • Minnow the Merling

  • Cera the Triceratops

  • Mystery new Bugling

  • Mystery Impling #1

  • Mystery Imping #2


To reward my fans, I will be giving some extra special incentives as a thankyou for helping me to be able to offer more sculpts, such as special deals and surprise packages.


I hope you will join me in my goal to make more dolls! 


Many many thanks!

Sarah B. Seiter aka: The Mushroom Peddler

Option #1:
Just Because

Donate $1

This option is included for those who just want to offer a little support toward bringing more dolls to life :)


Your thank you gift in return:

  • My heartfelt thanks for supporting my dream to create more sculpts to share with everyone!

No product

Option #2:
Sneak Peeks

No product

Donate $5

This option is for those who want to offer a little support and who would like sneak peeks of possible upcoming dolls and be able to participate in polls to help decide future sculpts :)


Your thank you gift in return:​​

  • My heartfelt thanks

  • An exclusive email once a month through the end of 2022

Donate $40

Wings are all the craze in the dolly fashion world! Don't let your dolly miss out on being one of the most stylish fairies around!


Your thank you gift in return:​​

  • My heartfelt thanks!

  • An exclusive email once a month through the end of 2022

  • I will send random set of beautiful sparkly medium size fairy wings (will fit many different sized dolls) to your dolly

Option #3:
Fairy Wings

No product

No product

Donate $80

Your dolly will be the envy of all the other dollies in a one of a kind wig sculpture! 


Your thank you gift in return:​​

  • My heartfelt thanks!

  • An exclusive email once a month through the end of 2022

  • I will send random unique wig sculpture in size 8-9 (made to fit on Mushroom Peddler Implings, but will fit most other dolls that wear size 8-9)

Option #4:Wig Sculpture

Adoption Option #5: Slimey

Donate $135

Adopt a very sweet little snail for $10 off the usual price

Limited to 30 dolls in this special edition


​What you get:

  • My heartfelt thanks!

  • Slimey the Snail ball-jointed doll

    • Surprise resin color​

    • Blushed

    • Random eyes

Donate $400

Adopt beautiful fishy mermaid for $15 off the usual price

open edition


​What you get:

  • My heartfelt thanks!

  • Minnow the Merling

    • White resin

    • Blushed

    • Random eyes

Adoption Option #6: Merling

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