This doll is reserved for BJDC attendees/absentees only. (Ball-jointed Doll Convention in Austin, TX)
If you are not signed up for BJDC, please do not place an preorder for this doll. - Thanks :)
Limited to one Elli per attendee/absentee.
This is a preorder for a brand new size and resin color of Elli the Elephant from The Mushroom Peddler!
- Elli will come wearing her brand new tutu and hat that she is very proud of!
- She will come with a random eye color.
- She will be delivered to those who preorder her at BJDC in June or delivered to absentees after the convention.
Resin: Pink
Edition Size: 30 dolls
Height: about 6 inches tall
---------- Little Elli's Really Big Gig -----------
Elli had always dreamed of joining her parents in the circus ring, but she had been told over and over that she was not big enough to carry the circus performers who did their flips and turns on the elephants’ backs as they stomped around the arena. She watched each night with the hope that someday she would grow big enough to join them... but she wasn’t expected to grow much more since she was a runt. Despite that setback, she had great big hopes and was determined not to give up!
One day, a young girl from a family of clowns noticed Elli watching the circus from the sidelines and she saw how Elli got so excited each time the performers did their tricks that the little elephant would run around, leap, stand on her hind legs, and roll and try to mimic them! It seemed Elli just couldn’t hold still when the music played. The little clown suddenly had a big idea!
That night after the circus was done for the day, the little clown opened a bag of peanuts and shared a few as she whispered something in Elli’s cute little ear. Elli ate the peanuts… her favorite treat! Then she nodded and trumpeted her trunk loudly because she was so excited at the whispered words she heard.
When the circus curtains opened the next night, the clowns came pouring out into the center ring as the first act! Rolling and doing silly tricks to make the people in the audience laugh and smile. Last in the line of clowns, the young clown came running forward into the ring, followed by Elli! The little elephant had been painted pink with purple polka dots, and she was wearing the prettiest new tutu and clown hat! She was so proud to do her part in the show! She put in her best effort and jumped and twirled and danced with her new friend and the people cheered and laughed louder than ever at the new addition to the show.
After that night, Elli never longed to carry other performers like the other elephants did again… but instead, she was a performer herself! Forever after she was known as Elli the Tiny Elephant Clown and people came from miles around just to see her.
Nothing made her happier than seeing the smiles and hearing the laughs of the crowds as she danced and played... and best of all, after each performance, she always got all the peanuts she could eat!eat!
BJDC 2025 Convention Doll - Exclusive Edition - Mini Elli the Elephant Clown
By placing your order you are agreeing to the following:
- If you are signed up to attend BJDC 2025 in June, your doll will be given to you at the convention.- If you are registered as an absentee. The doll will be shipped after the convention and shipping costs will be billed to you at the time of shipment.
- This doll is limited to one elephant per BJDC 2025 attendee/absentee.
- All sales are final.